A lot can happen in a week, but smelling your cat’s litter box shouldn’t be one of them. Our patented-formula ARM & HAMMER litter can absorb, seal, and destroy cat litter-box odors on contact and is effective enough to be used in a multiple-cat litter box. Moisture-activated Micro-Granules form a tight seal around odor and destroy it, while the litter helps create rock-solid cat litter clumping. With 10% more cat-odor eliminators plus ARM & HAMMER baking soda, your kitty’s box can stay fresh for up to 14 days. This ARM & HAMMER cat litter is easy to use and change. Simply fill 3–4 inches of your kitty litter box, scoop away the clumps, and refill the box back to the 3–4-inch mark. Empty your litter box into the garbage only when it is time to change the box. At ARM & HAMMER we respect all living things, especially animals and pets because they rely on us. We focus on product quality and customer satisfaction while embracing a corporate duty to respect the environment and natural resources.