The first ingredient in Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food, Smothered Comfort Canned Dog Food is real chicken. Slow cooked, whole chicken thighs offer marinated tender chicken cooked on a softened bone; making it safe for your dog to enjoy. Other natural ingredients in this real meat dog food grain free recipe include carrots, sweet potatoes and red delicious apples to lend wholesome goodness and variety for a healthy dog food menu. A savory gravy made with chicken broth adds even more flavor and moisture to meals in this grain free dog food. This wet food for dogs features whole chicken thighs and vegetables, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or by-products. Use this moist dog food canned recipe as a topper for your dog’s dry kibble, or serve it as a standalone meal. Merrick wet dog food comes in a convenient pull-tab can that makes preparing your dog’s meal quick and easy. Merrick dog food recipes are crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA.
Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Smothered Comfort’s first ingredient is always real USDA-inspected chicken. Our slow cooked, whole chicken thighs offer marinated tender chicken cooked on a softened bone.
For dogs over 100 lbs., add 1/3 can for each additional 10 lbs. Adjust feeding level to your dog’s individual needs. Cover and refrigerate unused portions. Shake well before opening. Keep fresh water available at all times