Dogs thrive on quality protein and healthy fats. That is why Merrick Grain Free Real Buffalo, Beef + Sweet Potato Dry Dog Food provides balanced nutrition with real whole foods sourced from local farmers. This natural, grain-free formula dog food is ideal for all life stages and all breeds of dogs with a focus on naturally nutrient rich ingredients to support overall health. Deboned buffalo is the first ingredient and helps comprise the 70% of meat and fish sourced ingredients that help build and maintain lean, healthy muscle tissue with high quality protein, support healthy skin and coat with omega fatty acids and support joint health with glucosamine. The 30% fresh produce fortifies this high-quality grain-free canine diet with potatoes, sweet potato, peas, apples and blueberries offering vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Easily digestible carbohydrates like potatoes and sweet potatoes offer the benefit of sustained energy without upsetting grain-sensitive systems.
Using the chart, divide the total cups per day by the total number of times you feed your dog per day to determine the portion size for each meal. Keep a clean bowl of fresh water available at all times. Every dog is a little different, so optimal feeding amounts may vary with age, size and activity level. Please use the information below as an initial recommendation only and adjust when needed. Puppies and pregnant or nursing females may consume two to three times the recommended daily amounts. Dry and wet food in combination will help to increase the level of water in your dog’s diet. If feeding with wet food, reduce dry amount by 1/2 cup for every 6 oz. of wet food.
Transitioning: Gradually mix in the new food over a 5-7 day period, increasing the amount of Merrick Grain Free Real Chicken + Sweet Potato Recipe each day.